
Can't run FolditStandalone 2023 on Linux

fernando meireles 1 year ago updated 3 months ago 1

Dear members of the Foldit team.

I'm trying to use the latest distribution of FolditStandalone in Ubuntu but the executable has problems in finding the required libraries to run, for instance I get this kind of problem that was not an issue on the previous version:

./FolditStandalone: error while loading shared libraries: libtorch_cpu.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Even if I update the environment variable $LD_LIBRARY_PATH with the path to this specific library, others also are not found for some reason.

Would you have a YAML file with all dependencies necessary for it to run in a conda environment?

Thank you very much!

Any updates with this? I'm having a similar issue.